The Festival is a registered charity. It is, and always has been, run by a Committee of volunteers who are involved in preparation for the Festival throughout the year.
Finlay Campbell
Ann Crawford
Helen Cunningham
Cecile Fleming
Valerie Forsyth
Mark Good
Mary Goodwin
Bridget Gribben
Fiona Henderson
Gerard Gordon
Colin Houston
Susan Houston
Alasdair MacPhee
Gerry Maguire
Kathleen Maguire
Michelle Liddell
Elaine McIlree
Julie Mc Kellar
Helen McKenzie
Lynsey Mitchell
Denise Mills
Carolyn Minton
Lorna Morrison
Kenneth Paton
Kim Polonis
Isobel Robinson
Elizabeth Ruddy
Finlay Sim
Ann Thomson
Inverclyde Music Festival Assoc.
Registered Charity Number: SC022119